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December 4, 2012
Regular Meeting
December 4, 2012

Members Present:  Tom Daly, Phil Mighdoll, Larry Deblois, Mickey Splaine.
David Krashes & Henry Beth were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10PM.

Phil reviewed the revised Property Disposition memo to be sent to the BOS.  Larry moved to accept the memo as presented, Mickey seconded, and the vote to accept was 4-0.  The committee thanked Phil for putting the document together.

The committee determined we would not meet again until after the BOS has reviewed the memo and given their feedback.

The September and November minutes were approved, 4-0.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20PM.

Atch:  Property Disposition memo, Dated 12/4/2012.

Tom Daly, Secretary